
NATO to Protect U.N. in Bosnia

<i> Reuters</i>

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreed Wednesday to start deploying bombers and ground attack aircraft to bases in Italy starting this weekend, preparing for a mission to protect U.N. forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina including troops sent to Muslim “safe areas.”

The United States has offered more than 20 planes to NATO for the operation that will also include between 50 and 60 aircraft from Britain, France and the Netherlands.

NATO, which offered last month to provide air cover for U.N. forces deployed to the Muslim enclaves, including Sarajevo, and for other U.N. forces if they are attacked and request help, sent its plans to U.N. headquarters Tuesday.


“The first phase, that of deployment, will start from the weekend,” said one source, who asked not to be identified.

“Then we have to await final U.N. approval before starting the mission. When that comes, the planes and the weapons will be in place, ready to go.”

A NATO spokesman said the air cover would apply only to Bosnia and only if strikes were requested by U.N. forces.
