
Defending Upkeep of Malibu Creek Park


* On behalf of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, I would like to respond to comments contained in Deborah Brenner’s letter on the Soka University issue (June 9). Brenner characterizes the Soka site as “beautiful” and “lush” and refers to the property across the street, presumably Malibu Creek State Park, in less-flattering terms.

State parks spends approximately $60,000 per year locally to eradicate weeds, which we define as non-native plants, such as annual grasses, mustard and eucalyptus. These species and others are responsible for the degradation and elimination of native wildlife habitat throughout the mountains. The same species grow abundantly on the Soka property. It is true that we do not regularly mow and water our weeds, as Soka does, but we maintain the park in as natural a state as possible for the purposes of resource protection and public enjoyment.

All of the units of the California state park system are open to everyone, and the public is welcome to enjoy the parks.



Preece is superintendent of the Angeles District for the state Department of Parks and Recreation.
