
BOXING EDWARDS: Kim Basinger refused to take...

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BOXING EDWARDS: Kim Basinger refused to take a role in “Boxing Helena” because of the nudity. But the Bayview chapter of the National Organization for Women has a different complaint--its violence against women. The movie is about a doctor who chops off his lover’s arms and legs. NOW members are so upset they plan to stage a protest today when it opens at the Edwards South Coast Village Theater. “The film industry should stop glorifying violence against women,” the NOW flyer says.

FOR AMY: At today’s memorial service for Amy Biehl, Stanford University officials will announce establishment of a scholarship fund in her memory. The 26-year-old Newport Beach woman, killed last week by a mob in South Africa, had been working on democratic causes there. The fund will finance studies for a South African student at Stanford, where Biehl was an undergraduate. . . . Says Stanford history professor Kennell Jackson: “We want to continue her work; we want to continue her name.”

EYE ON THE BALL: Nobody toots Santa Ana’s horn like Guy Ball. He publishes the “Eye on Santa Ana” community newsletter for peanuts. He’s sponsored home tours, given speeches, he’s a built-in public relations mega-trooper for the city. So where does he live? Uh, North Tustin. . . . Ball admits that moving from Santa Ana recently “is awkward, but for the sake of my family, I had to make a life change. I’m still a big supporter of the city. I’m just going to have a lot less meetings a week to go to.”


ALL FOR A SONG: San Clemente seventh-grader Nina Song has been selected as one of nine finalists in the 1993 Drug Abuse Resistance Education poster contest. She flies to Washington next week for ceremonies, along with her teacher, Joanne Mays, and DARE officer Ron Lervold. . . . Patricia Griggs, Song’s principal at Truman Benedict Elementary, is not surprised at all to see Nina win such national recognition: “She wins everything. She’s just exceptional.”
