
‘Trashcats’ Need to Work Together


* I don’t mind being called a “trashcat” in Ruth Stowell’s (Aug. 14) letter to the editor. I like cats, and solid-waste management is my career. Sometimes when I am sorting garbage, to help a business plan waste reduction programs, I feel like an alley cat combing the discards for resources.

Ms. Stowell should understand, however, that we “county trashcats” are successful with much of the same kind of solid-waste management work that she praises “city trashcats” for accomplishing. Like that other breed, we do everything from teaching back-yard compost workshops to managing private-sector contracts for the collection and processing of recyclables.

Additionally, we play a countywide coordinating role. Our “maneuvers” with the cities are not designed to “steal their trash.” Both (Supervisor) John K. Flynn’s reorganization proposal and the plan currently being pursued by the Ventura County Waste Commission recognize that it doesn’t make good sense for every jurisdiction to simply pursue its own self-interest without regard for the regional good.


To facilitate joint projects, benefit from each other’s experience, achieve economies of scale, and otherwise coordinate for maximum regional benefit, county and city “trashcats” need to work with each other, with the business community, and even with the “critic cats” like Ms. Stowell.

P.S. Has anyone found a good reuse for hairballs?



David Goldstein is an employee of the Ventura County Solid Waste Management Department .

Letters to the Editor
