
Giving Peace A Chance : A Century of Strife: Years of Bloodshed

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* 1967: The Six-Day War. After Egypt’s Gamal Abdul Nasser asks the U.N. force to withdraw from Sinai, Israel launches a preemptive strike, marking start of third Arab-Israeli war. Jordan and Syria join fighting. In six days, Israelis capture the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River, including East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. U.N. resolution 242 passed. Israel annexes East Jerusalem. First Israeli settlers move into West Bank.

* 1969: Yasser Arafat becomes PLO chairman.

* 1970: “Black September” PLO commandos and Jordanian armed forces fight virtual civil war. Jordan expels PLO.

* 1972: In September, Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israeli atheltes at the Summer Olympics in Munich, stepping up a campaign of terrorism against Israel that continues for two decades.


* 1973: Egypt and Syria attack Israel on Oct. 6, Yom Kippur. Egyptian forces cross into the Sinai, Syrians into the Golan Heights. Israel pushes across the Suez Canal before cease-fire. U.N. Resolution 338, calling for peace negotiations.

* 1974: In October, Arafat is recognized by Arab summit delegates as the sole representative of the Palestinian people. In November, he addresses the U.N. General Assembly.
