
Second Opinion / COMMENT FROM OTHER MEDIA : THE SENTINEL : A Child’s Success Depends on the Parents

<i> The Sentinel is an African-American weekly published Thursdays in Los Angeles. </i>

The responsibility of a parent, in relation to his or her children, is to make intelligent decisions on their behalf. In legal terminology, it is referred to as performing “the essential duty of parenthood.”

One of the “essential duties” is to make sure the child attends school as required by law. Another is to see to it that the child is well-mannered.

As one can see, serious learning cannot be achieved without the proactive involvement of parents in the education process. A school system cannot be successful without concerned parents.


It is parents who should see to it that their children do their homework and study for tests. When a student comes in the door and home without books, his or her parents should take this very seriously. When the child brings home less than adequate grades on the report card, it should be branded as unacceptable immediately!

Education provides the blueprint for the success of our children for tomorrow. What we as parents do today determines the level of success and, ultimately, the kind of opportunities our youth will have.

Remember, no school district can function at its optimum without parental involvement. Now is the time for parents with children to rededicate themselves to helping to provide the best quality education this area can provide our children.
