
SENIOR STRUT: Nursing home residents in their...

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SENIOR STRUT: Nursing home residents in their 90s are finding out what the 1990s are all about, as researchers in Reseda encourage them to get fit through walking (B1). . . . Nonagenarians and centenarians from throughout the San Fernando Valley are participating in a study on the effects of walking for the very old. The result: It’s good for you!

CHANGING CHANNELS: Multiculturalism makes it to the Antelope Valley in the form of two new cable television channels. Jones Intercable plans to add a combination European/Filipino channel and a Spanish-language channel (B14). . . . Fans of the stations can thank new federal regulations that require cable systems to carry local broadcasters who request spots on the dial.

DANGEROUS GAMES: Youngsters who make bombs from easy-to-find materials have already caused several injuries and two deaths, including that of the father of Christie Suh, above (B2). . . . And the Valley is a center of the epidemic. “We used to have firecrackers, people hitting mailboxes with baseball bats,” said Detective Bob Nelson, of the LAPD’s Criminal Conspiracy Section. “Now, the kids are making these bombs.”


HELLO SWEETHEART: Van Nuys--world media capital. It’s a temporary title as the courthouse there is the site of the Menendez brothers’ trial. Read all about it: “Blood Brothers” is the People magazine headline. “Beverly Hills Horror Story” says USA Today. “The Crime That Chilled America,” declares France’s Paris Match over a six-page story.

GET ME REWRITE: Covering it is no lark. Only 10 reporters have seats in the tiny courtroom of Department N of Superior Court. All the rest watch a video feed in a converted children’s playroom about a block away, dubbed “the shack.” It’s packed. “They’re all moving in now, from everywhere” as the trial climaxes, says writer Dominick Dunne, covering it for Vanity Fair. “Joan Rivers, I was on her show yesterday. ‘Entertainment Tonight’ . . . Everyone’s calling.”
