
Clinton’s Health Care Reforms


* Paul Craig Roberts’ Column Right (Sept. 26) totally misses the point. He laments that “once the plan passes, there will be no going back. The institutions will be fundamentally altered.” And horror of all horrors, “some people would have coverage for the first time, and that coverage would be as permanent as food stamps and rent subsidies,” show just how badly he misses the point. I hate to break it to him, but that’s the whole idea, i.e., to give people who don’t have health insurance coverage access to health care.

It was obvious from his piece that the predictions that he threw out were meant to make us grovel and fearfully whimper for our politicians to preserve the elitist health care system that we have now. It was most interesting to see Roberts concentrate on purely the financial aspects of the health care situation and ignore what it costs in terms of the human lives that are not as well off as he is.

Yes, Mr. Roberts, universal health care is going to cost us some money, but so did the B-1, the B-2, “Star Wars,” the S&L; bailout, the gazillion-ship navy and the rest of the $600 toilet seat programs of the Defense Department, all these corporate buyouts that accomplished nothing but making more money for a few already filthy rich bankers, not to mention the proposed super collider, or the proposed manned mission to Mars. I wonder why Roberts isn’t wringing his hands at the cost of those expenditures?


For a humanity check, one must but contrast Roberts’ piece with the column next to it by Jonathan Freedman.


Santa Barbara

* As usual, the government has it backward. The problem with the health care system in the United States is caused by a monopoly on medical services by the American Medical Assn. This monopoly is backed up and enforced by the government. As any first-year economics student can tell you, monopoly raises prices.

Thus, the problem is over-regulation for which President Clinton prescribes more regulation. Rather like giving sugar to a diabetic. Poor medicine indeed!


Santa Monica

* We have two major problems: financing the President’s health plan for everyone, and finding enough jail space for our drug criminals.

Solution for both: Legalize drugs and sell them under heavily taxed government control. This will supply a new source of money for the health plan, which should include a drug education program. It will also eliminate drug crime (no money in it), consequently making room in our jails for real criminals. How many bootleggers are in jail today? Creates some new employment too! Drugstores?


La Jolla

* Promises, promises--remember the Great Society, the War on Poverty, the Budget Deficit Reduction Act of 1990? All were designed to do only one thing for politicians--ensure reelection. The Clinton health plan is in the same category. Never mind that it won’t do what it is supposed to do. Never mind that no one knows how to pay for it. Just remember what Clinton is doing for you because he cares. He’ll remind you in time for the 1996 elections.



