
DAY IS DONE: Veterans Day honors the...


DAY IS DONE: Veterans Day honors the Valley’s 109,000 vets--almost 40,000 of whom survived World War II, including 3,000 who returned for Korea or Vietnam (B1). More than 200 were among those who sang they would not “be back till it’s over, over there” in 1914-18. . . . Canoga Park-Woodland Hills has the biggest vets concentration, 15,813, and Sylmar the fewest, 4,958. Parade plans (B2).

CADILLAC MULCH: Police could dig it: There was something rotten in Pacoima. Tipped off that an owner of a composting yard collected $24,000 insurance on a “stolen” Cadillac--but actually buried it in a 2.5-acre pile of rotting wood--investigators dug for two days . . . and struck Cadillac (B6). Cops plan to arrest the owner. He says he has no idea how that car got there.

SECOND WAS LAST: It’s the road to riches and fame in modern America: a sports championship. Prizes, money, fans shower down. Well, not in miniature golf. At the local championship, only two entrants showed up--by chance. The Around the Valley column (B5) visits a truly miniature tourney--and even competes.


PUSH COMES TO SHOVE: The problem with illegal pushcarts, in Burbank’s view, is that busting the vendors does little--they work for parties unknown. So the City Council wants to authorize seizure of the carts (B4). . . . The thinking: With their property locked up, the owners may appear--and get nabbed.

FAMILY AFFAIR: What would St. Genevieve’s do without the Muller kids? Most of the 11 siblings are or were sports stalwarts at the Panorama City parochial high school. . . . Alex Muller quarterbacks the Valiants in the Santa Fe League football championship tonight (C8), with one, maybe two, brothers alongside. Sister Brigid was the first student to appear as the team’s mascot, a knight on a costume horse.

Veterans Day

The Valley has about 109,000 veterans. When they served: Vietnam War era: 30,053 Korean War era: 16,904 World War II: 36,879 World War I: 208 Other service: 768 Los Angeles total: 239,321 Source: 1990 U.S. Census
