
Help for Unemployed


* Regarding your article, “In Shift, U.S. May Seek to Help Jobless Relocate” (Nov. 30), I present certain questions and advice.

What can President Clinton do when Congress is reluctant to provide additional unemployment insurance for the jobless?

The Clinton Administration offers shifting--moving the unemployed from where they are not needed to areas where they are needed.


Did Labor Secretary Robert B. Reich conclude that the need for workers in certain areas equaled the numbers of jobless in other areas? Did he misinterpret the “want ads” in certain metropolitan newspapers?

Reich must not shift ex-defense workers from Los Angeles to Chicago where the only need is for hospital nurses.

He waited too long to move Congress to discuss the right of every American to have adequate health insurance. We must not wait too long to assure every American the right to a job that provides the basic needs for his family.


North Hollywood

* In your article on jobless relocation help, you quote Reich as saying, “The cupboard is practically bare,” relative to additional unemployment aid extension.

If so, will someone please help me understand how we can continue to provide food stamps to 27.5 million Americans, welfare checks to millions of Americans, welfare and medical care to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, and low-interest loans to foreigners to start businesses?

There seems to be a basic math problem in the self-serving halls of Congress.


Del Mar
