
Exiled Palestinians’ Spokesman Reported Jailed by Israelis

<i> Reuters</i>

Israel has jailed Dr. Abdulaziz Rantisi, the spokesman for Palestinian deportees during their yearlong exile in a Lebanese no-man’s-land, for six months without trial, military sources said Monday.

Rantisi and two other Muslim leaders were issued six-month “administrative detention” orders when they returned last week.

Israel took back the final group of 197 deportees last week and has been releasing them gradually after interrogating them.


On Sunday, Israel released 128 of them. Military sources said most of the remaining 49 will be released soon.

The Jewish state originally banished a total of 415 Arabs accused of having links to Islamic militant groups.

Rantisi, a founder of the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Hamas, spoke for the deportees during their ordeal in a makeshift camp.
