
SAN GABRIEL VALLEY : Woman Gets 3-Year Term for Bank Robberies

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A woman who admitted committing a string of bank robberies around the San Gabriel Valley has been sentenced to three years and four months in prison.

Deborah Boese, 29, apologized for the holdups during her sentencing in U.S. District Court, telling the judge, “What I’ve done is totally wrong.”

Boese told police she was driven to robbery after being fired from her clerk’s position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. After her arrest July 22 by Glendale police, she admitted taking more than $10,000 from two banks in that city and four others around the San Gabriel Valley between June 26 and July 22.


She was ordered to repay about $2,000 to two banks after pleading guilty to two bank robbery counts.
