
Television: With Turner Broadcasting System’s acquisition Friday...

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Television: With Turner Broadcasting System’s acquisition Friday of film distributor New Line Cinema, speculation is growing that cable mogul Ted Turner’s next target may be RHI Entertainment. Led by longtime producer Robert Halmi Sr., RHI is one of the top suppliers of programs to the major television networks, including “Lonesome Dove” starring Robert Duvall and the upcoming “Scarlett,” a miniseries sequel to “Gone With the Wind.” Traders, some of whom are betting Turner will acquire the rest of RHI, have been quickly bidding up its stock. But a spokesman for RHI denies that any such plan is in the works, saying the company believes the stock’s climb can be attributed to RHI’s healthy earnings outlook and record backlog. RHI’s stock rose 87.5 cents Monday to $30.125 on the American Stock Exchange.
