
George Stephanopolous


* In response to “Not Wrong, Just Overtaken by Other Facts,” Column Left, March 31:

Michael Kinsley reports that George Stephanopolous found when he called his pal at the Treasury Department that he was breaking the rules when he complained about lawyer Jay Stephens’ appointment to investigate the failure of Whitewater-connected Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan.

This phone call could be written off as part of the learning curve for a new politician in Washington were it not for two facts: (1) Stephens is a Republican who is known to oppose some of the actions taken by the Clinton Administration, and (2) at President Clinton’s right hand is Stephanopolous. Stephanopolous’ phone call suggests that an attempt was made from a power base to upset the appointment and interfere with an RTC investigation. Since Stephanopolous admits the purpose of the phone call, his action has the appearance of an abuse of power flagrantly displayed for purpose evident. Recall that abuse of power was the criminal action that influenced then-President Nixon to step down.

Kinsley’s comment about the Wall Street Journal editorials and Rep. Jim Leach’s (R-Iowa) honesty and record in Congress warrants response at a date now uncertain when more dust (or spray) has settled.



Rolling Hills Estates

* Facts that are known at this time made your headline “Californians’ Approval of Clinton at High Point” seem totally unbelievable; then I remembered it was April Fools’ Day!


Mission Viejo
