
Pope Wants Ecumenical Prayer Atop Mt. Sinai in Year 2000

<i> Reuters</i>

Pope John Paul II wants to usher in the new millenium with an unprecedented day of prayer with Muslims and Jews on Israel’s Mt. Sinai, a Vatican letter published Friday said.

“The approach of the year 2000 forces us all to take steps towards ecumenism if we desire to be less torn by conflict than in the last millenium,” said the letter, sent last month to all the world’s Roman Catholic cardinals.

“It would be a perfect time to return to Mt. Sinai, where God struck his pact with the Jewish people, giving them the 10 Commandments and thus laying the foundations of all human morality.”


The Pope has called a special meeting of the Roman Catholic Church’s 141 cardinals for May 8-9 to prepare church celebrations in the year 2000.
