
SIMI VALLEY : School District to Install Voice Mail

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As a result of $100,000 in budget cuts to the Simi Valley school district office, calls from the public will soon be answered by voice mail rather than a receptionist.

The board of the Simi Valley Unified School District has voted 3 to 2 to eliminate the switchboard operator, along with a part-time clerk and an employee who catalogued videotapes in the district resource center. In addition, the board cut temporary clerks to replace absent employees.

The cuts were part of $2.5 million shaved from the 1994-95 budget. Earlier in the year, the board agreed to slash $100,000 from the district office payroll. Tuesday’s action identified the specific positions to be cut.


Although eliminating the switchboard operator’s position will save the district $32,300 a year, buying the voice mail equipment will cost between $12,000 and $15,000, officials said.
