
First Lady Finds Sweet Way to Win Over Young Italians


Hillary Rodham Clinton charmed Italians on Thursday, handing out candy to Roman children like the American troops who liberated the city 50 years ago and chatting with Sophia Loren over a glass of wine.

The First Lady greeted a group of schoolchildren waving their arms and screaming out her name in the central Piazza Navona.

They cheered even louder when she began giving out chocolate candies--whose box bore the American flag and husband Bill Clinton’s signature.


“I was so excited when she gave me the chocolates,” said Alessandro, a student at a local state school. “She told me her husband ate them too.”

During a lunch at the U.S. ambassador’s residence, Mrs. Clinton greeted a handful of the country’s most prominent women, including actress Loren and Nobel Prize-winning scientist Rita Levi-Montalcini.
