
Mommy Trackers Should Cover Trail


* Rita Redaelli, executive director of Girls Inc. of Orange County, is calling fathers on Father’s Day to dismantle barriers that limit girls’ opportunities (“Dismantling Barriers That Limit Girls’ Opportunities, Success,” June 19). While I agree with the call, I strongly believe that she is addressing the wrong gender, We, career women of the ‘90s, must be addressed.

My anger and call are directed to those of us that have climbed up the corporate ladder and are now chopping off the steps. A new growing trend is taking place among my colleagues of the weak gender. Professional women in the midst of their career are leaving promising positions in big corporations with the official reason “leaving to become a full-time mother.”

Being a mother of three children myself, I can certainly sympathize with the idea. However, I feel that it causes considerable damage to career women struggling for recognition in the “equal” business world of men. How can I expect my employer to invest money and time in training, developing and furthering my position in the company while my colleagues are catching the “mother syndrome?”


I oppose the stated reason that leads to further stereotyping of the gender. I suggest using excuses like “leaving due to personal reasons” or even the noble one, “to take on new endeavors.”


Yorba Linda
