
The Pacific : Asia Still Investors’ No. 1 Emerging Market, Survey Says

<i> Reuters</i>

Asia remains the region of choice for investors in emerging markets, according to a survey of international fund managers released last week.

The study was commissioned by the World Federation of Stock Exchanges and the Paris Stock Exchange. It questioned 44 managers of international funds in eight countries--Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Switzerland, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the United States.

Asked to mention the countries offering the best investment opportunities, 51% chose China, 35% Malaysia and 26% Thailand.


Only 36% said Latin America has the best growth potential. But Argentina was mentioned by 26% of respondents as a good place to invest, and Brazil by 22%.

Only 27% of the fund managers chose Eastern Europe as the region with the highest growth potential, and only Poland made the top six of preferred countries. The Czech Republic and Hungary were far behind India, Mexico, Chile and Indonesia as favored countries for investment.
