
OC HIGH / STUDENT NEWS AND VIEWS : Leave No Loan Unturned: Sources You Can Bank On

<i> Associated Press</i>

Wondering what financial aid opportunities are available? Your high school counselor or college center is one of the best, free sources.

A book might be of help to some. “Fund Your Way Through College” (Visible Ink, $19.95) is a directory of 1,700 sources for undergraduate financial aid. From awards to scholarships, loans to internships, the 731-page book is a mammoth guide to help students find the “millions” of funding dollars the book says go unclaimed every year.

The compendium, compiled by Debra M. Kirby, is indexed to make searches quick and easy. Readers can look for money according to vocational path, geography, demographics and organization.


Each entry gives essential details such as selection criteria, funds available, deadlines and contacts to facilitate finding the funding resources.
