
Beilenson Ducks Issue


The Aug. 13 article “Sybert Blasts Beilenson for Digging Political Dirt, Not Debating” highlights an ironic situation.

In the same week that Rich Sybert was releasing his records to the public, Tony Beilenson was voting to block the Freedom of Information Act from applying to offices of the legislative branch (Congressional Accountability Act of 1994, HR 4822-Aug. 9). Of course, on that same day Beilenson also voted to maintain the exemption of Congress from public laws (which apply to everyone else), and he voted to exempt Congress from any health care reform bill that is passed by Congress.

And in refusing to debate until mid-October, Beilenson has stated that “earlier debates would be pointless because voters won’t focus on the election until the final weeks.” But if we are so disinterested, how could Beilenson explain his barrage of mail--$203,000 of taxpayers’ money in the last 12 months--if he thinks we don’t want to hear the real issues discussed?



Oak Park
