
Don’t Put the Burden on the Victim


* According to Jerome Greenblatt (Letters, Aug. 28), all that females in the work force have to do to avoid the type of sexual harassment imposed upon Robyn Boyd during her employment on the staff of Assemblyman Mickey Conroy is to simply change jobs. Women should continue to do this until they find an environment free of types such as Mr. Conroy.

Greenblatt doesn’t offer any estimate of how many job changes this might require. He is putting the responsibility of finding an acceptable work environment upon the female employee. This is exactly the attitude which foments sexual harassment.

No! Mr. Greenblatt, the responsibility is upon the employer and his administrative staff to create an environment free from grandfatherly, sexually sick individuals such as Mr. Conroy, who put up signs in their office stating that “sexual harassment will be graded” and who expect hugs and kisses from their female staff.



Laguna Hills

* (Assemblyman Mickey) Conroy, of his recent private reprimand by the Rules Committee of the California Assembly for sexual harassment, says that since there was no malicious intent that it was not sexual harassment, and that he’s such a nice guy he remembers birthdays, asks about grandchildren, etc. Phooey!

The essential ingredient of sexual harassment is inappropriate behavior, not malicious intent. Mickey may remember birthdays and grandchildren, but he is still a dirty old lecher, and Robyn Boyd lost her job because of it. Does Mickey think the rules do not apply to him?


Laguna Niguel
