
Halloween Scrooge Steals Texas Boy’s 100-Pound Prize Pumpkin

<i> Reuter</i>

A Halloween scrooge has pulled a trick on a Houston area boy when someone stole a nearly 100-pound pumpkin that he had won in a local supermarket contest.

Craig Ostriyznick guessed the right weight of the pumpkin at a Randall’s Food Market and took the pumpkin home last Saturday, the same day that he spent several hours with his Boy Scout troop helping local flood victims.

On Wednesday morning, the family discovered that the pumpkin, which was so large that it took two men to get it into the back of the family’s station wagon, was gone.


Craig, 11, had planned to carve the pumpkin this weekend and roast the seeds, but now he must settle for a group of smaller pumpkins provided by the food store.
