
Squid Sprint in Tokyo: To the Victor Goes the Sushi


Squid sprints brought downtown Tokyo to a virtual halt Friday.

Gathered around a 13-foot-long, 24-inch-deep tank of water at the entrance to a mall in the Ginza shopping district, hundreds of office workers cheered on their favorite squids in the bizarre race.

The squids, racing in six lanes, were prodded into motion with sticks. The event was staged as a promotion by a northern tourism association.

“It’s a big hit at home so we thought Tokyoites would love it even more,” a Kazamaura Tourism Assn. spokesman said.


“We’ve never timed how fast squids can swim, but the bigger ones shoot across the four-meter track in a matter of seconds,” the spokesman added.

Winning bets entitled a gambler to enter a lottery for the prize--the winning squid, a culinary delicacy.
