
Battles Grow Fiercer Around Bihac Enclave

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Associated Press

Fighting around the U.N.-protected town of Bihac picked up Tuesday, as outgunned Bosnian government troops faced rebel Serbs from Bosnia and Croatia, as well as a renegade Muslim force.

Bihac Mayor Hamdija Kabiljagic said shells were landing every six seconds in the afternoon, and U.N. spokesman Maj. Herve Gourmelon reported heavy machine-gun and small-arms fire and shelling.

In Geneva, Rupert Colville of the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said no food, clothing or other relief supplies were getting through to Bihac, whose population has swelled with refugees from 45,000 to 70,000.


Elsewhere, U.N. sources said the Bosnian Serbs moved a SAM-6 ground-to-air missile within range of the Sarajevo airport. The missile battery, with a range of 30 miles, was just outside a 12.5-mile zone around Sarajevo in which all heavy weapons are supposed to be banned.
