
Spring for Bargains to Wear Today


Seen the clearance racks lately? Most discount and department stores still have a load of spring and summer clothing that they’re almost giving away. It’s hard not to pass on a silk blouse or a cotton net sweater that catches your eye, but it may be even harder putting it in the closet until spring.

Contrary to popular belief, you can wear some spring and summer clothing in fall and winter and not look like you’ve misplaced your calendar.

“Because of our mild climate, you can get away with some summer clothing on nice days,” says Sandy Miller of Twice the Style in Costa Mesa. “You just have to be careful about colors and fabrics. You don’t want to look like an Easter egg at Christmastime.”


Whites and blacks are shades that cross the seasons. Be wary of bright blues and pinks. However, with the right combination, you could make a summer color work in winter.

“Sky blue, powder pink and other spring shades are going to be big next season,” says Liz Menzies of Swept Away Clothes to Go in Irvine. “You’ll start seeing them displayed in January, so wearing them on a nice day could make you look like you’re ahead of the trend.”

Summer clothes often fit into the “layered look,” which continues to be popular. “You could get away with a light blouse under a cotton sweater under a blazer. That kind of outfit works well during our kind of winters,” Miller says.

“The slip dress, which was hot this past summer, can work for cooler weather,” Menzies says. “If it’s a neutral, a black or gray, you can match it with a long-sleeve ‘baby’ T-shirt, which is fitted and worn underneath.”

The jumper dress that you probably put away in October can be paired with a cardigan. “It’s part of the layered look, and it looks great when you add a pair of leggings,” Menzies says.

“I have a tan linen blazer I wear year-round,” says clothing and jewelry designer Carol Steele of Newport Beach. “I’ll often wear it with black or dark navy, which gives it a look that seems to work all the time.”


Wearing summer clothes in the opposite season can also work when you change a few details.

“A cream outfit with a pastel scarf doesn’t really go at this time of year,” Menzies says. “But when you add a scarf with brown, olive and cream, it totally changes the outfit. Wear a wool cap and boots, and you have an outfit for this time of year.”
