
U.S. World Role


Your editorials on foreign policy and the U.N. (Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11) are indeed erudite, comprehensive and coherent, with extensive quotation from foreign affairs experts. Your support for a rapid deployment force and its functional operation reflects a continuation of a Cold War and colonial policy of solving conflicts by military intervention. There is ample evidence of the failures of these missions. Ethnic, religious and class conflicts have been pandered to, regional harmony and stability shattered, democracies crushed, repressive regimes endured and alliances formed in the wake of the Cold War, as a part of global strategy.

The present constitution of the Security Council is undemocratic and unrepresentative; it must include more countries from Asia, South America and Africa like Japan, India, Brazil and Nigeria. The role of the U.N. should be confined to the areas of health, culture, art, economics, trade, education, food and terrorism.

Your suggestion of U.S. military intervention in combatting regional conflict or violation of human rights is also not sound unless the security and vital interests of the U.S. are threatened. The economy and high standards of ethics should be the future direction in the post-Cold War era.



Huntington Beach
