
A summary of selected City Hall actions...


A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* WESTWOOD IMPROVEMENT--A vote to establish the Westwood Business Improvement District was delayed until Jan. 4 in response to strong objections from many businesses along Wilshire Boulevard, who argued that they would be assessed too severely for the benefits they would receive. The improvement district, which would assess businesses in return for security, landscaping, street and lighting improvements, would be divided into two zones: the area of Westwood Village and the mostly high-rise office buildings that line Wilshire Boulevard from Veteran Avenue to half a block east of Glendon Avenue. Although they would be charged 50% less than businesses in zone one, tenants from zone two contended that the improvement district, designed to attract people to the once-thriving area, would not significantly affect their businesses. The plan calls for an assessment based on a percentage of an enterprise’s yearly business tax.

* WESTWOOD PARKING--Approved lowering parking meter rates on Westwood Boulevard from Wilshire Boulevard south to Ohio Street from $1 per hour to 50 cents per hour. The four-block stretch was the only part of the Westwood area that still had the higher rate; rates elsewhere were lowered two years ago. The Department of Transportation estimated that the lower prices would result in a $100,000 loss of revenue, but proponents of the move argued that it would increase business in the area, resulting in more sales tax for the city.

* ANIMAL POUND FEES--Approved a new fee for claiming rabbits or poultry from city animal shelters. Previously there was no charge. A charge of $15 has been instituted because it was discovered that some people were cooking the rabbits or poultry after claiming them from the pound, according to a Department of Animal Regulations official. In other fee changes, $3 to $5 will be charged for the use of traps used to catch such nuisance animals as skunks and raccoons. The traps previously were free. Also new is a $130 yearly permit fee for dog and cat grooming parlors. The cost of claiming a dog or cat from a shelter will remain the same--$5 and $3, respectively.
