
SOCIAL CLIMES : Like, We Were Born Yesterday


The Social Climes Net-browsing squad has seen its share of money-grubbing ploys on-line, the most famous of which are the now ubiquitous “MAKE MONEY FAST” posts that attempt to reconstruct the chain letter.

But someone named Russell Rhodes of Colorado really takes the cybercake with his “Fighting Back” message posted on an L.A. news group.

“Clinton asks for money to fight his legal battles (huh?) so I’m asking for money to fight the IRS battle,” it says, claiming the nasty Feds have billed Rhodes in error for a half mil and now he’s lost his wife, seven jobs and a house. Also, it seems, Rhodes has no money for a lawyer, so, could we all, you know, kinda help him with a little cash?


Sure, thing, Russell, only too glad to help. Just as soon as that 100 grand or so arrives from all those chain letters we e-mailed.

Scotch and Cigars: We’ve been debating whether to attend the first bash at restaurateurs Joachim and Christine Splichal’s newest eatery, Cafe Pinot, on Tuesday night. It’s being thrown by Bulgari Jewelers and Dunhill Cigars.

Sounds good, but the thing is, we were wondering whether sipping Scotch and smoking cigars is really our idea of fun.

“It’s all rather retro, don’t you think?” urged a Dunhill spokeswoman. “Think of it as part of that whole Republican revival thing.”

Well, unless it means getting a $4.5-million book deal like the House Speaker did, we’d just as soon not.

Tight Squeeze: More to our liking is the current exhibition at Melrose Avenue’s La Luz de Jesus gallery titled “Sex Object: The Fetish Fixation Explored in Multi-Media.” Once consigned to red-light districts and very private parties, leather and latex have finally been elevated to art status.
