
Georges Koehler; Shared 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine

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Georges Koehler, 48, who shared the 1984 Nobel Prize for medicine. Koehler was director of the Max Planck Institute for Immune Biology at Freiburg, Germany, where he studied before he began working in the 1970s with Cesar Milstein at Cambridge University in England on the fusion of white blood cells. They developed a method of producing large quantities of monoclonal antibodies, which have many uses in diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Koehler and Milstein shared the Nobel Prize along with Niels K. Jerne. Koehler worked from 1976 to 1983 at the Institute for Immunology in Basel, Switzerland. He had been at the Max Planck Institute since 1984. In Freiburg on Wednesday of a lung infection.
