
A summary of selected City Hall actions this week affecting central Los Angeles.

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* LEGAL FEES: Authorized the city attorney to pay $1.69 million to the lawyers who represented Rodney G. King in his civil lawsuit stemming from his 1991 beating by police officers. King’s attorneys had asked U.S. District Judge John G. Davies to award them $4 million in fees, while the city attorney’s office had asked the judge to limit the payment to $1 million. The payment includes $456,223 to Milton Grimes, $302,566 to John Burris, $281,769 to Federico Sayre and $244,043 to Steven Lerman.

* STREET CLOSURE: Directed the city engineer to close Merton Avenue between Caspar and Maywood avenues in Eagle Rock in response to a request from officials at St. Dominic’s School, who want to turn that portion of Merton Avenue into a plaza-type walkway. The street is currently closed daily to through traffic by gates during school hours, and transportation officials said the full closure would have little adverse effect on traffic.

* ANIMAL BLESSING: Approved the closure of Los Angeles Street between Alameda and Aliso streets on April 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the Blessing of the Animals. During the ceremony on Olvera Street, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony will bless any pet or other animal brought to him. A crowd of more than 1,000 is expected.


* PEACE MARCH: Approved the following street closures on April 23 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a peace march sponsored by Women Against Gun Violence: Main Street between the bandstand at Olvera Street to 1st Street; 1st Street between Main and Hill streets; Hill Street between 1st Street and the Mall of Flags behind the Criminal Courts Building. An estimated 2,000 participants are expected. Interested parties can contact Women Against Gun Violence at (213) 651-4601.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues.

* HOPE IN YOUTH: Authorized the Community Development Department to extend a contract with Catholic Charities’ Project Hope in Youth to Dec. 31 in the amount of $1.79 million. Hope in Youth, an anti-gang program, came under considerable criticism for having a staff of 146 while only providing services for 154 youths. Some council members wanted the contract extended only until June, pending further evaluation of the program. But Councilman Richard Alatorre argued fiercely on behalf of the program and for the lengthier contract. After long debate, the full extension was granted, contingent on Catholic Charities receiving matching funds from the county, state or federal governments. Passed 9-2. Voting yes: Alatorre, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden. Voting No: Jackie Goldberg. Absent: Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rita Walters.
