
Countywide : Minnesota Governor to Visit Orangewood

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The governor of Minnesota today will visit Orangewood Children’s Home to study the facility as a possible model for similar institutions in his state for abused and neglected children.

Gov. Arne Carlson and his wife, Susan, an attorney, are active in children’s issues and are hoping to use the visit to gain insight into the growing problem of providing care to abused children, officials said.

The tour will be hosted by Orange County Supervisor William G. Steiner, a former executive director of the Orangewood Children’s Foundation.


Orangewood Children’s Home houses more than 200 children, from newborns to 18-year-olds, who are under protective custody because of allegations of having been physically or sexually abused.

The Orange facility--funded by federal, state and county grants, as well as private donations--provides tutoring and special education to the children brought there.

The children stay an average of two to three weeks before returning to their parents or going to relatives, or foster and group homes.


Gov. Carlson two years ago was honored with the Children’s Champion Award by the Minnesota Children’s Defense Fund.

Susan Carlson is co-chair of the state’s Action for Children Commission and she speaks before lawmakers and business and civic leaders on children’s issues.
