
Mark Fuhrman

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Much has been made in the press that the Simpson defense has been able to show that Detective Mark Fuhrman was alone for a period at the crime scene and may have had an opportunity to pick up the glove. I have heard no mention that a number of other officers had already viewed the scene and would have had numerous opportunities to notice two gloves. But the biggest oversight in the attendant commentary is that at the time Fuhrman was supposedly left alone, he had already been dismissed from the case and had been standing around waiting to be relieved. Exactly what did he think he was going to do with this glove once he had picked it up, if he had been dismissed from the case? At that point he had no idea that he would be going to Simpson’s house. This whole planted evidence scenario is just a big smoke screen. And not a very good one.


Signal Hill

Defense lawyers claim that even if O.J. Simpson was a wife-beater, that doesn’t necessarily mean he killed Nicole Brown Simpson. So by the same token, even if Fuhrman is a racist, it can’t be concluded that he planted the evidence. Right?


Laguna Niguel

What a boring fight. End of round three, and Bailey hasn’t laid a glove on Fuhrman!


Santa Barbara

Murder, claims of police cover-up, conspiracy, El Salvador, Colombian neckties, exaggerations, lawyers breaking the law, half-truths, insinuations, grandstanding, disregard of evidence. I stopped watching the Simpson trail. I’m going to wait for the Oliver Stone movie and get the “real story.”



Los Angeles
