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Some of the key events Thursday in the O.J. Simpson murder trial:

* SUMMARY: Brian (Kato) Kaelin spent a long day on the witness stand, as Deputy Dist. Atty. Marcia Clark tried to pin him down on specific questions and suggested that he was being evasive out of loyalty to Simpson.

* WITNESSES: Kaelin completed his third day of testifying, this time fielding questions from an intense prosecutor and a congenial defense lawyer, Robert L. Shapiro. Kaelin confirmed that he could not account for Simpson’s whereabouts during a crucial hour, but also said he had never seen Simpson strike his ex-wife during more than two years of living in close proximity to the couple. Prosecutors, who called Kaelin to the stand, nevertheless accused him of shading his testimony to protect Simpson and said other witnesses may testify that Kaelin told them versions of his account that are more damaging to Simpson.


“I . . . I have been honest in everything I remember. And I answered that way.”

--Kaelin, when asked whether he was absolutely certain about his testimony.
