
NAACP to Cut Staff to Ease Financial Woes

Associated Press

Faced with a $3.8-million deficit and an order to rein in spending by 40%, the NAACP will cut staff and may close some of its offices.

“It has become clear that the first priority for our new leadership must be to put our financial house in order,” said Myrlie Evers-Williams, chairwoman of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People.

Cuts to the 74-member core staff will be substantial, and some of the seven regional offices will probably be merged, said Earl T. Shinhoster, acting executive director.


Officials were to meet Tuesday with staff members--most of whom spent two months in the fall on unpaid furlough--and will set up a schedule to pay off creditors, Treasurer Francisco L. Borges said.
