
LOS ANGELES COUNTY : 11 Groups Get Grants to Combat Homelessness


Eleven Los Angeles County homeless advocate groups got state grants Thursday under a program designed to encourage local efforts to help those on the streets.

In all, the Department of Housing and Community Development doled out nearly $1.3 million to 46 groups statewide, said state Housing Director Timothy L. Coyle.

Two San Bernardino County and two San Diego County programs also got funding.

The Emergency Housing and Assistance Program is part of the state’s homeless strategy, by which the homeless are encouraged to move as quickly as possible from shelters to a self-supporting environment, Coyle said.


Here is a list of Los Angeles County programs that received grants and the amounts received: P.A.T.H., $50,000; Center for Human Rights, $50,000; Beyond Shelter, $50,000; Single Room Occupancy-Panama, $50,000; Single Room Occupancy-Russ, $50,000; Skid Row Development, $50,000; the Salvation Army-Santa Fe, $50,000; the Salvation Army-Bell, $34,814; Jewish Family Services, $50,000; Harbor Interfaith, $43,440, and 1736 Family Crisis Center, $150,000.
