
‘Cockamamie’ a Great First Trynin : JENNIFER TRYNIN “Cockamamie” <i> Warner Bros.</i> : *** 1/2


Imagine a cross between soft-shelled Marti Jones and hard-case Liz Phair and you’re getting fairly close to Trynin, who with this preternaturally accomplished debut (an indie effort just re-released by a major) has made an unassumingly great little rock ‘n’ roll album.

The real lineage of unannounced smarts and empathetic sass here is Chrissie Hynde’s. Trynin blows off execs and other designated inferiors with similar aplomb, but ultimately proves herself a romantic obsessive of the first rank, especially in the till-death-do-I-part “One Year Down” and “Do It Alone,” revealing a character as casually, perfectly rounded as her hooks. And did we mention that--the occasional bar or two of ethereal smoky-voicedness notwithstanding--she rocks?
