
Walt must be turning over in his...


Walt must be turning over in his crematory:

No sooner did we mention the alleged phallic symbols on the videotape case of Disney’s “Little Mermaid” than we read that a Christian group has charged that a cloud of dust in “The Lion King” spells out “SEX.”

And, that’s not all folks.

Ginny Silverman of Lasers Unlimited in Burbank writes that several customers who purchased or rented a laser disc version of the Disney co-production, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit,” maintain that mischievous animators drew a “panty-less Jessica Rabbit in one scene and a bare-breasted Jessica in another.”

Alert viewers of the movie also spotted an “amusing bit of graffiti (that) announces, ‘For a good time call Allison Wonderland.’ ”


We’re still waiting for revelations regarding “Pocahontas.”

A HIGHER COURT: It appears the Simpson trial may be coming to an end. But, just to be sure, perhaps Superior Court Judge Lance Ito should pray to St. John Capistran--the patron saint of jurists.

ATTENTION--ALLISON WONDERLAND: Audrey Parry found an Italian restaurant in South Pasadena where “Veal Milanese translates to Veal Maleness, which I hope does something spectacular for someone. And for only $5.95.”

Parry adds: “I couldn’t get my husband to try it.”

UNSURF CITY: Long Beach’s minor league team, which lost its Barracuda name for legal reasons, has been rechristened the Rip Tide. Old-timers in the city may find the name ironic. Since the port city constructed breakwater along its beaches more than three decades ago, Long Beach’s surf has all the ferocity of a pond.

PEOPLE ONCE SMOKED IN EATERIES?: Pasadena restaurateur Roger Kislingbury has a display of 150 matchbooks from defunct eateries in DeLacey’s Club 41, of which he is part-owner.

“They go back to ‘30s places like the Heidelberg Gardens, which is just an old warehouse now, and Jerry’s Deli, which served a 35-cent chicken dinner around World War II,” he said. “People love to look at them. They’re always saying things like, ‘My dad used to take me to that place as a kid.’ ”

Kislingbury, incidentally, had no trouble obtaining matchbooks for the Rite Spot (1990-1994) and the Handlebar Saloon (1970-1986).


They were eateries of his that went out of business.

IN GOOD HANDS: Elmer Black saw a juxtaposition of signs that seemed to indicate that State Farm is seeking outside help “to predict the next Big One.”

THAT’S CERTAINLY MORE FORMAL: Marge Flathers of San Bernardino saw an ad for a sale at Cheapo Depot, which was described as “formally Thrifty’s.”

miscelLAny They “pitch the foot forward, shorten the calf muscle and put more force on the ball of the foot.” All of which can “aggravate existing structural problems such as bunions, corns and calluses [and] intensify knee and back problems.” Such are the dangers of high-heel shoes as described by Dr. Jon Hultman in the UCLA Medical Center publication “VitalSigns.” Not to mention the fact that in Jessica Rabbit’s case, at least, they seem to cause one’s clothes to fall off.
