
Liebman on Hate Rhetoric


It’s unfortunate that Marvin Liebman (Commentary, Dec. 6) has used the misguided advertising campaign of Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays to launch his own misinformation campaign against Pat Robertson, founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Like millions of others, CBN and Robertson believe that homosexual behavior violates biblical principles fundamental to Christian belief. That religious belief is balanced, however, by the same love and compassion that has been the cornerstone of this ministry for 35 years. Further, this ministry follows the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ, who loved the sinner, but not the sin.

Robertson’s condemnation of violence against all groups--including homo- sexuals--is very clear. On March 28, 1995, Robertson told his national television audience that “we abhor violence against homosexuals” and called on those who hold religious beliefs to maintain those beliefs “without beating people up and being violent.” Unfortunately, Liebman and PFLAG present a false message by attempting to link this ministry and Robertson with hate crimes aimed at homosexuals.


CBN defends the 1st Amendment free speech rights of PFLAG. But PFLAG and Liebman are wrong to unfairly target this ministry and Robertson because of our deeply held religious beliefs about homosexual behavior, beliefs also protected by the 1st Amendment.


Vice President, Public Relations

CBN, Virginia Beach, Va.


* I am appalled The Times would lend itself to such patently absurd drivel as that perpetuated by Liebman. For this allegedly “conservative, Republican, Christian” to use the tragic death of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to promote his personal attack on the Revs. Robertson and Jerry Falwell is ludicrous. But to equate the Christian Coalition with the alleged murderer of Rabin is unconscionable.

I have never heard any Christian leader attack Liebman or another homosexual, personally. All I’ve ever heard, as Liebman states in his tirade, is their denunciation of homosexuality. So, you might understand why I find Liebman’s “logical conclusion” (that one day, Christians will be somehow compelled to eradicate gays and lesbians as “agents of Satan”) desultory, at best.

Liebman chants the standard mantra of political gays: He attempts to assassinate the characters of religious leaders in hopes of shouldering the yoke of martyrdom for his cause. Oddly, in so doing, he has abused the very rhetoric he decries and is left wanting in the “credibility” department.


