Visa Plans Car-Rental Program to Stem No-Shows:...
Visa Plans Car-Rental Program to Stem No-Shows: Visa U.S.A. has unveiled a program to protect both customers and car rental companies during peak times, when no-shows and broken promises are an acute problem. To stem customer no-shows, Visa said that effective Jan. 1, customers must cancel eight hours before a scheduled pickup or face paying as much as a one-day rental. Visa also said that drivers who guarantee their reservations with a Visa card during peak times will be assured a car will be waiting at their destinations. If the car rental firm has no car, Visa will require that the company secure one from another rental agency and transport the cardholder to the vehicle if necessary. If a vehicle in not secured within an hour, the customer will be transported to the destination, provided with car delivery within eight hours and given a free day of rental. If the customer’s flight is canceled or the airport is closed, the cardholder is given up to one hour prior to the scheduled pickup time to cancel.