
Obituaries : Hamish Imlach; Scottish Folk Musician, Humorist


Hamish Imlach, 55, Scottish folk singer, guitarist and humorist. Born in Calcutta of Scottish parents, Imlach became involved in folk music while studying engineering in Glasgow. He recorded more than three dozen albums and toured widely. Among his best-loved songs were “Black Is the Color of My True Love’s Hair,” “This Sporting Life” and “Sonny’s Dream.” Weighing 300 pounds and always in poor health, Imlach joked about his drinking and smoking and titled his 1992 autobiography “Cod Liver Oil and Orange Juice--Reminiscences of a Fat Folk Singer.” He ran the Glasgow Folk Club in the 1960s and became a resident performer at the all-night Clives Incredible Folk Club. On Monday near Glasgow of complications from bronchitis.
