

Times Staff and Wire Reports

Mexico to Repay Portion of Debt to U.S.: The government will repay $1.3 billion of its remaining $11.8-billion debt to the United States on Monday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin said. After the Mexican economy collapsed in late 1994, the United States agreed to lend the country $20 billion. Of that, $12.5 billion was actually lent and $750 million has been repaid. The latest repayment will lower the debt to $10.5 billion. Half of it will go to the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund and half to the Federal Reserve Bank. No further payments are due until June 1997. The secretary said the Treasury Department has agreed to the Mexican request that implementation of the support program be continued through Aug. 21. The Treasury has said in recent reports that Mexico continues to pursue sound fiscal and monetary policies and is on the road to economic recovery.
