
Evangelicals Manifesto Aims to Clarify Mission

From Religion News Service

The National Assn. of Evangelicals unveiled an “Evangelical Manifesto” this week, defining beliefs and detailing goals for unity among evangelicals in the coming century.

David Melvin, vice president of the Illinois-based organization, said the manifesto aims to define evangelicals at a time when they are often misunderstood by the public.

“It’s an attempt to clarify what evangelicalism is, who evangelicals are,” Melvin said. “It is an attempt to shed all of the baggage that has somehow creeped into the perception of evangelicalism, whether it’s political or cultural.”


Association officials have stressed recently that contrary to prevailing stereotypes, not all evangelicals consider themselves political conservatives.

In addition, the manifesto calls on evangelical Christians to pray, repent, work toward racial and ethnic reconciliation and cooperate in evangelism.

“We confess that although we have been conscientious in our response to the mandate of the Great Commission to go and make disciples, we have too often failed to live out and actualize the mandate of a loving unity which testifies to our Lord Jesus,” the statement says.

Although the association is a disparate body of conservative Christians, with a variety of theological and political beliefs, the manifesto points out that they all agree with a statement of faith that describes the Bible as “the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.”

Founded in 1942, the National Assn. of Evangelicals includes 47 member denominations, churches from an additional 26 denominations, and 245 ministries and educational institutions, representing more than 20 million people.

The manifesto, developed over the last three years, was unveiled during this week’s annual meeting of the association in Minneapolis. Also during the meeting, held March 3-5, evangelist Billy Graham was honored with a lifetime achievement award and Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney received the layperson of the year award.
