
USE THE FORCE: Even though action figures...

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USE THE FORCE: Even though action figures based on the “Star Wars” film trilogy are among the top sellers this spring, don’t expect to find many at local toy stores. Hasbro Toy Group executives say they’re shipping the figures as fast as possible. But employees of comic book shops are scooping them up at $5 and reselling them for $20. . . . George Sexton, a supervisor at Play Co. Toys in Woodland Hills, said the shop limits the products to two per person in an effort to reduce scalping. . . .

. . . A NEW HOPE: Some action figures command even higher prices. Rumors abound that Kenner discontinued Princess Leia and Obi-Wan Kenobi, driving their sticker prices as high as $40. Hasbro’s marketing VP stressed that the two figures are as elusive as a Corellian smuggler right now, but will pop up on shelves soon. . . . “You will see them again,” said Elizabeth Gross, “but it’s just difficult to say when.”

HOME AGAIN: Chelsey Thomas, the 7-year-old Palmdale girl who can’t smile, was released Monday from a Woodland Hills hospital after a second round of facial surgery to correct the disorder. An earlier procedure was a success, and doctors hope she’ll be smiling by her 8th birthday on June 29. . . . “She’s on the road to a smile,” said the hospital’s Krista Hershey. Photo: B5.


TORCH BEARER: In 82 years, Agnes Hector of Woodland Hills has been a ballerina, a teacher and a mother of eight. So while carrying the Olympic torch last weekend was “wonderful,” it was just another high in a life full of them. . . . “This ranks high, though,” she said.
