
Pawnshop Portrayal


* Re “In the Shadow of Affluence,” June 10.

We as pawnbrokers are offended by what your article implies about us.

Your article featured our storefront in a picture. Your caption reads, “Pawnshops along Sherman Way are a sign of Canoga Park’s slide into hard times.” You are mistaken. Apparently your staff needs a refresher course in research and investigating. As you can see in the picture, our shop was established in 1961. It has been in the same location for the past 35 years. Pawnshops do not represent hard times. For your information, there is even a pawnshop in Beverly Hills, which has also been there for a number of years. Furthermore, you use our picture for your story, yet never mention pawnshops in the article. Canoga Park has suffered greatly, but due to businesses like Rocketdyne and Litton downsizing and closing. The earthquake in January 1994 affected the area tremendously too. Pawnshops are not the sleazy business media always paint us to be.

You owe us an apology for what your picture implies about us and you owe your readers an apology for your mediocre reporting. Do us all a favor and print a story about pawnshops with correct information.


Canoga Park

Moraga is owner of Canoga Loan & Jewelry Inc.
