
Premier to Market Lasers for Whitening Teeth


Premier Laser Systems Inc. wants to put more teeth into sales of dental lasers.

The Irvine-based company said it signed an agreement with Stardent International Labs Inc. of Salt Lake City to market Premier lasers along with Stardent’s products for whitening teeth. Stardent expects to promote use of the lasers to dental professionals as a way of speeding up the whitening.

However, federal regulators have yet to approve lasers for that process. The Food and Drug Administration has been reviewing Premier’s application for the last two months, the company said.

Results of the company’s clinical studies have indicated that a one-hour treatment with the laser and Stardent whitening product helps brighten teeth, the company said.



Barbara Marsh covers health care for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7762 and at
