
Yeltsin’s Reelection


Mention socialism and the pundits run for cover. From left to right, they approve the results in Russia (July 4), which were about as democratic as the old voting scams in the 24th Ward of Chicago. In spite of the red flags, Gennady Zyuganov doesn’t sound like a Stalinist. Boris Yeltsin’s control of the state apparatus plus millions of American dollars beat Zyuganov but hardly blotted him out. Democracy was abandoned in order to save it. Words to die for.

Millions of Russians are still hungry, jobless and crime-ridden after a full term of the winner. I’m glad that President Clinton got a little boost out of his Yeltsin support but I hope that Boozin’ Boris won’t turn out to be another of the Noriegas that the United States seems to have an affinity for.


Los Angeles
