
‘Smart’ Weapons


President Clinton is being held responsible for the acts of the lowest-level White House employees and even for the acts of his friends. Yet we have a blatant attempt to mislead the public that could have billions of dollars of consequences in future defense spending contracts and there has not been one word about responsibility.

I am speaking, of course, of the government lies about the performance of the “smart bombs” and the stealth fighter in the Gulf War. Why isn’t the public spouting venom on former President Bush and former Defense Secretary Dick Cheney? Why do Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf maintain unblemished popularity? They were the people in charge and had to know what was going on. Why is no one questioning their character?

But if someone sneezes in Little Rock, Clinton is expected to say, “Pardon me,” and Congress calls for the appointment of another special prosecutor. Something is wrong.



