
Nonviolent Criminals


* I read Patrick O’Donnell’s letter regarding [former Assemblyman] Pat Nolan (Sept. 4) with consternation. Nonviolent criminals, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds, do not belong locked up with violent criminals. Nolan does not appear to be advocating “kid glove” treatment for anyone.

In order to serve justice we need to keep as many violators out of prison as possible, allowing for the proper treatment and supervision of those criminals who must be kept incarcerated for the protection of society. It does not matter what has contributed to their violence.

Many people who are locked up in prison would better serve justice by being allowed to continue to be viable members of society; maintaining family bonds, supporting their families, paying child support, paying taxes and indemnifying any victims. To accomplish this we need to make better use of the restitution centers, halfway houses, work furlough programs, community service programs and rehabilitation centers.


Our prisons should not be a dumping ground for everyone who violates the law. We must administer our justice more effectively so that justice can truly be served.


