
Price Pfister and U.S. Jobs


I see that California is losing another manufacturing facility, Price Pfister (“Pacoima May Lose Fixture as Factory Shifts Jobs South,” Oct. 1). We have now lost Lockheed, Hughes Helicopter, a major portion of Douglas and many peripheral companies. These are major job producers. What did the Republican governor do to try to hold these companies here? These guys are supposed to be his buddies.

Were any concessions offered to these companies to stay? Were any discussions even held?

Is anyone aware that when Price Pfister moves to Mexico it will further increase the debit in our import/export balance. This is equal to an increase in taxes.

According to government statistics, we have 5 million illegal immigrants in the United States. And they cost us $5 billion a year. That comes to $20 a week for every illegal. We have to date sent 5 million jobs out of this country, and the cost to the country is a deficit in the balance of trade of $55 billion. The $60 billion is really a tax on the American consumer.


If you divide this by 100 million taxpaying workers, it comes to $600 a year per taxpayer.

It seems to me we should be making concessions and subsidizing and a lot more to keep the jobs in this country and quit worrying about the illegals.


North Hollywood

* Citing very lame excuses, Price Pfister has shafted more American workers by moving facilities to Mexico. Price Pfister is only following the example of other American companies who moved out of the United States with the blessing of our people in government--the same people who are supposed to look out for the interests of the American worker!

Price Pfister and other companies must be made aware of the fact that by moving out of this country, they are losing this country’s market!


West Hills
